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4 min read
What is the economic impact of obesity?
Obesity is a global public health challenge with a severe impact on health, wellbeing and the economy. Obesity contributes to a range of...
3 min read
Why we need to create a social movement to engage communities in health and wellbeing initiatives
New research shows that few people are motivated by an end reward or health benefits. Instead, most people are motivated by socialising...
4 min read
We transformed a London borough into a game to get fewer people travelling by car
In England, only 37% of adults aged 16 or over travel actively (walk, cycle, scoot or wheel to get from place to place) at least twice a...
4 min read
Student sport has a drinking problem – here’s what needs to be done to change it
Sport is generally considered a health-enhancing lifestyle choice. It reduces depression, anxiety and emotional distress and improves...
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